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Tijă de cuarț fuzionat transparent
Tijă de sticlă transparentă 99,98% cuarț

Tijă de sticlă transparentă 99,98% cuarț

Tija de sticlă de cuarț are un punct de topire ridicat și poate fi turnată cu ușurință în diferite forme și dimensiuni, este o sticlă versatilă, durabilă și de înaltă performanță, cu proprietăți termice, mecanice și optice excepționale.
  • Nr. :

  • Material : Quartz glass

  • Purity Available : 99.98%

  • Shape : Rod

  • Descriere

Tijă de sticlă transparentă 99,98% cuarț

Avantajele  tijei de cuarț :

1. Rezistență la temperatură ridicată: tijele din sticlă de cuarț pot rezista la temperaturi ridicate fără crăpare sau topire. Utilizare pe termen lung la 1100 ℃, utilizare pe termen scurt la 1450 ℃.

2. Transparență UV: sticla de cuarț este transparentă UV, ceea ce o face un material ideal pentru utilizarea în aplicații care necesită transmisie UV.

3. Rezistență chimică: Este rezistent la majoritatea solvenților și acizilor chimici, ceea ce îl face ideal pentru utilizare în laboratoare chimice și biologice.

4. Expansiune termică scăzută: Are un coeficient foarte scăzut de dilatare termică, făcându-l ideal pentru utilizare în aplicații care necesită stabilitate dimensională la temperaturi ridicate.

5. Claritate: Este limpede și fără impurități, ceea ce înseamnă că este ideal pentru utilizarea în aplicații care necesită o claritate optică ridicată.

6. Rezistență mecanică ridicată: Are un grad ridicat de rezistență mecanică, ceea ce îl face ideal pentru utilizare în aplicații care necesită o capacitate portantă mare.

7. Proprietăți electrice: Sticla de cuarț este un izolator electric excelent, ceea ce o face ideală pentru utilizare în aplicații electrice și electronice.

8. Durabilitate: Este foarte durabil și are o durată de viață lungă, ceea ce îl face o alegere ideală pentru aplicațiile care necesită fiabilitate pe termen lung.

Descrierea  tijei de cuarț :

1. Tijele din sticlă de cuarț sunt fabricate din silice de înaltă puritate și sunt cunoscute pentru transparența și puritatea lor excepționale.

2. They are highly durable, have exceptional optical clarity, and can withstand harsh environments.

3. The unique properties of quartz glass rods make them an essential material in many industrial and scientific applications.

4. Quartz glass rods are available in various sizes and dimensions, making them versatile and flexible to use.

Size details of quartz rod:

Quartz glass rod
Item NO.
Outer diameter
Length (mm) Purity
CS-QTZ-G001 1.8 30 99.98%
CS-QTZ-G002 2 50 99.98%
CS-QTZ-G003 2.5 200 99.98%
CS-QTZ-G004 3 300 99.98%
CS-QTZ-G005 4.5 150 99.98%
CS-QTZ-G006 5 600 99.98%
CS-QTZ-G007 6 700 99.98%
CS-QTZ-G008 7 400 99.98%
CS-QTZ-G009 8 635 99.98%
CS-QTZ-G010 9 720 99.98%
CS-QTZ-G011 10 55 99.98%
CS-QTZ-G012 20 102 99.98%
CS-QTZ-G013 30 50-1400 99.98%
CS-QTZ-G014 40 50-1400 99.98%
CS-QTZ-G015 50 50-1400 99.98%
CS-QTZ-G016 60 50-1400 99.98%
CS-QTZ-G017 1.8-350 20-2000 99.98%

OEM/ODM is acceptable. Your goods will be produced exactly according to your drawings or inquiry

Parameters of quartz glass:

Chemical composition: SiO2 99.98%
Density: 2.2(g/cm3)
Degree of hardness moh' scale: 6.6
Melting point: 1732
Working temperature: 1100
Max temperature can reach in a short time: 1450
Acid tolerance: 30 times than Ceramics , 150 times than Stainless steel
Visible light transmittance: above 93%
UV spectral region transmittance: 80%
Resistance value: 10000 times than ordinary glass
Annealing point: 1215
Softening point: 1730

Applications of quartz rod:

1. Medical Instruments: Used to fabricate medical instruments such as pipettes, syringes, and microfluidic devices for precision procedures. The high purity and optical clarity of quartz glass make it an ideal material for these applications.

2. Fiber Optic Cables: Quartz glass rods can be drawn into thin fibers and used to manufacture fiber optic cables for telecommunications, data transmission, and imaging applications. Quartz glass has low attenuation and high transmission rates, making it an excellent material for transmitting light signals over long distances.

3. Semiconductor Industry: Used to manufacture semiconductor components such as diffusion tubes, wafer boats, and process tubes.

4. Lighting: Used for manufacturing high intensity discharge (HID) lamps, such as metal halide and high-pressure sodium lamps. Quartz glass is an excellent material for lamp envelopes because it can withstand high temperatures and thermal shock.

5. UV Light Sterilization: Used to manufacture UV lamps for sterilization applications. UV light inactivates pathogens and viruses, making it a valuable tool for disinfection and sterilization in healthcare, food processing, and water treatment industries.


Q1. What information should we supply to get a quote?

Please offer the specification of quartz glass rod, such as shape, dimension, quantity, application etc.

Q2. What is the difference between quartz glass rod and other types of glass?

Quartz glass rod has a higher purity and better performance in high-temperature and high-pressure environments than other types of glass.

Q3. Can quartz glass rod be recycled?

Yes, quartz glass rod can be recycled. It is a sustainable material as it does not generate toxic gases during its production or disposal.

Q4. How to maintain quartz glass rod?

Regularly clean and store the rod in a safe place where it won't be knocked over or damaged. Avoid exposing it to extreme temperatures.

How to clean quartz rod:

1. First, remove any loose debris or dirt from the quartz glass rod using a soft brush or cloth.

2. Fill a clean basin or sink with warm water and add a few drops of mild dish soap or cleaning solution designed for quartz glass.

3. Submerge the quartz glass rod in the solution and gently scrub it with a soft brush or cloth.

4. Rinse the rod thoroughly with clean water, ensuring that all soap residue is removed.

5. Dry the quartz glass rod using a soft, lint-free cloth or paper towel. Avoid using abrasive materials that could scratch the surface of the glass.

6. Store the cleaned quartz glass rod in a protective case or container to prevent damage or contamination until you are ready to use it again.

Quality testing standards:

1. Make sure that there are no smudges or fingerprints on the rods as they can hide any defects.

2. Inspect the rod for any bubbles,cracks or imperfections within the quartz material. These can weaken the structural integrity of the rod and make it more prone to cracking or breaking.

3. Measurement of the length, width, and thickness of the rod to check for accuracy.

4. If you notice any discoloration on the rod, it could indicate impurities in the quartz material. This can weaken the tube and reduce its durability.

5. Hold the rod against a light source and inspect it for transparency. Transparent quartz glass should allow light to pass through it easily with little to no distortion.

6. Verification of the material and chemical composition of the rod.

Packing way:

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1. We supply personalized and customized services to contact your personal needs.

2. We are experienced professionals with a good record of success.

3. We provide superior client service and promptly respond to all inquiries.

4. We provide militant prices and strive to ensure that your funds receive the best value.

5. We use the latest technologies and tools to ensure that your project is completed to the highest standards.

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